You never know how much you miss someone, sometimes it’s just a feeling inside you that never goes away, like how you can’t breathe without them And that’s how you know. N. R. Hart. Gillian and I were like twins although there was 18 months between us. As teenagers we used to walk the Farmer twins together. As adults we had separate lives but Gillian was very much part of my life. She worked in my husband’s wholesale business and was his very capable Manageress. Customers thought that she was his wife because she looked after him so well. She also lavished her bountiful love on my children and grandchildren. Taking them out for treats, knitting beautiful jumpers and always there for them. After retirement we shopped together and had lunch or coffee in Beales. When Gillian was too ill to look after herself any more brother David searched for the perfect place for her to have residential care. We were so pleased that she settled into Langslade House so well. The staff cared for her so unstintingly and with such dedication. Thank you all for that wonderful care. It goes without saying that there will be a big hole in my life that Gillian filled. With love from sister Margaret.